Sunday 26 January 2014

Mood Board

I created a mood board of objects and processes I might need for my short film.


I was struggling to find ideas that i could use create a dynamic film. However the first idea that came to mind was a car wash.I thought through the process of hand washing the car and realised it had potential scenes that I could create that would work very well to create an exciting short film. Therefore, for know I will be going with my intial idea and try to develop it further.

Car Wash
I then made a list of shots that I could have to check whether the minimum of 30 cuts could be met.

As you can see there is sufficient cuts that I could include, not to mention some which I may come across later which I have not listed. I also included a brief list of sound effect ideas that I though would work well with the relevant shot. My idea is to try and add comedic elements to the film which will suit the fast pace scenes. Therefore as you can see I have a list of different possible endings to my film which will add comedy value. So after labouring and washing the car it some how gets dirty again instantly and then the film ends.

Friday 24 January 2014

More short film examples

Know that I am beginning to get some ideas for my film I though I would look at some more examples to get an idea in the production of the film. Another short film I came across which gave some inspiration is a Lurpak butter advert. this advert is relatively new and still is presented in TV ads. Below is a video which shows the advert.

This advert has got some fantastic features that have given me huge inspiration. Firstly some of shot angles are really effective and give a great dynamic aspect to the clip, for example the point of view shots on the mash potato crusher. It it also fast pace which is what I am required to do in my film although my shots will probably have to a little faster. I also really enjoyed the variety in colour that was included in the clip as it helps create a contract in different objects. Overall I think this is an excellent clip which will help me immensely in my project.

Another short film I came across was a nike a advert promoting their brand. This was an effective advert but did not give me much inspiration as it was not greatly relevant to the film style I am required to do. Below is the advert.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Movie trailers

Most new movie trailers use fast cutting edits for a number of reasons. The main reason may be to create excitement and engage the audience, so that they will be enticed to watch the full movie when it is released. The fast cuts in the trailer could be used to illustrate the aspects of the storyline within the given time period, this often a short time as it would be used in advertisement breaks. Also the use of fast cutting prevents too much of  a scene to be revealed, so it keeps the audience on edge.

The film genres that would typically use this editing technique are mainly action and thriller films. Below is an example of movie trailer which uses the technique.

This a trailer for The Bourne Legacy movie which was released back in 2012. It is high action thriller films with plenty of stunts therefore the appropriate editing style for this trailer would be to use fast cuts. However in this trailer there is mix of slow and fast scenes which is utilised to create a dynamic short film. Although this is create high octane trailer the cuts used are significantly slower than what my film would have to be. However it has allowed me to think about some shot ideas and angles which will help convey the fast pace.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Short film examples

As it is early into the assignment I thought the best thing to do is look for some inspiration and ideas. I kind of had an idea of how the filming style would be and the cuts that would be required. From this I remembered a great TV advert which featured fast cutting and a variety of shots. The advert was from PG Tips showing a cup of tea being made after arriving home:

PG Tips
This is a great short film as it shows the journey of an activity in a short period of time. Although the film simply shows the progression of making cups of tea, this film is very effective as it uses different camera shots and angles and therefore makes it dynamic. Also I really enjoyed the cartoon like sound effects as it gives the advert a lighthearted humorous tone, in particular the duck squeaks as the man puts the slippers on. This advert has given me some ideas however you may notice that the clip is a slower pace as it 40 seconds which will be different from my short film as its only 20 seconds.

Edgar Wright
I also thought of other clips which have fast cuts in them and immediately remembered the film Hot Fuzz. In this film there are a number of scenes which have a series of shots recorded in a fast cut style. I then released, from watching the other films, that many of the director Edgar wright's films have this distinct editing technique. These include the film starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost which are Shaun of the Dead and The World's End. Below are some clips from the movies that show fast cut scenes.

Hot Fuzz fast cut

I really like this style of editing as it energetic and engaging to watch. The speed of the cuts is going to be similar to my film as it needs to be fast also the sound effects help increase the excitement. The series of shots recorded are often very close up which is a great feature as it assists in emphasising the fast action. Overall I believe this editing style would work very well in my short film.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Editing Techniques

After being given the new assignment the first thing I did was to find some examples to gain some inspiration and ideas for my own film. However immediately I came across a problem, this was that I did not know the name of the editing style and therefore could not search for short films with the technique presented in the project. So I did some research and found some editing techniques that appear to be relevant to the technique that fits my brief. The editing techniques I came across which helped my find some video clips are Fast cutting, Jump cuts and Hip hop montage.

Fast Cutting
Fast cutting is a series of consecutive shots that have been cut into a short time period. It is utilized in a variety of media forms and is often used to create excitement for dramatic purposes. It can be used to subject chaos and energy into a scene.

Jump Cuts
This editing technique concentrates on the difference from one shot to the next. So its focus is to have an overstated movement from one shot to the next. Unlike Fast cutting Jump cuts do not need to be shot in a short period of time, they vary for different film styles.

Hip Hop Montage
Hip hop montage is a relatively new and modern term given as a sub-category of editing techniques. It is very similar to fast cutting and follows some of the rules. However Hip hop montages often have higher shot rates in a smaller period of time. This technique is made up from not only video but the use of sound effects. The sounds in the shots play a huge role in creating a successful Hip hop montage. As a result this technique is essentially fast cutting but with the addition of sound effects.
A well known movie director called Darren Aronofsky was the man who gave the editing style the name Hip Hop Montage. He featured this technique in some of his movies including Pi and Requiem for a Dream. There is a video clip below which demonstrates how Darren Aronofsky used hip hop montage in his films.